Operating System mini posters and some documents.

Some Operating System documents, and a few mini posters.

1. Very *quick* references on Unix/Linux commands:

Some common Unix/Linux "listing only" commands to retrieve system info (HTML format)

2. Virtualization:

An attempt to say something useful on Virtualization (HTML format)

3. Windows Cluster Repairs:

An attempt to say something useful on Win2003/Win2008/Win2012 Cluster Repair and Commands. (HTML format)

4. A few simple views on Unix/Linux BOOT Sequences:

Simple overview Unix boots (HTML format)

5. Some basic Linux commands:

Basic and common Linux commands in a text file (.txt format, large txt file)

6. HPUX Service Guard:

Very basic overview of the main commandset HPUX "Service Guard" (HTML format)

7. Some basic Windows shell (powershell & cmd) commands, to get systeminfo:

Basic commands with respect to processes, services, systeminfo and the like (.txt format)
Basic commands with respect to Windows Failover Cluster (HTML format)

8. Some very basics on AIX and infrastructure:

Listing of some AIX facts & structures (for IBM exam 000-223, Excel format)
Simple overview AIX HACMP (Excel format)
Some notes on Crash Recovery AIX (Excel format)

9. Very simple posters on VMWare / ESX:

Very basic intro in VMWare in poster form (Excel format)
Very basic intro in VMWare, in poster form (HTML format)

10. Some very basics on Windows Architectures:

Basic "Overview" in Windows architectures, in poster form (HTML format)
Very basic Win OS poster (HTML format)

11. Simple Intro on Unix LVM:

Some simple notes on Unix LVM (HTML format)

12. Diskdevices and paths:

A very small note on Netapp (HTML format)
A few notes on Diskdevices and "paths" in some common Operating Systems (HTML format)

13. Some other short notes:

Short simplified note on how to trace a program in unix (txt format).
Short simplified note on how to use ssh or scp without being prompted for a password (txt format).
Short simplified note on how to manage the swapspace and paging behaviour (txt format).
Short introductionary note on vi (txt format).
Short simplified note on debugging environments in unix (txt format).
Short simplified note on using X in PC to Host connection (txt format).
Notes on undelete files in unix (txt format).
Short simplified note on killing all processes of a user or application (txt format)

14. Older stuff:

Some notes on booting HPUX (Excel format)
Some notes on booting Solaris on Sparc (Excel format)
Rather Large text file listing some commands and features (txt format). But, it's quite old and incomplete.
Basic commands with respect to cpu/memory/netcard/printing (Excel format)
Basic commands with respect to cpu/memory/netcard/printing (HTML format)

Last update: 8 August, 2014